Friday, May 14, 2010


I am soo chicken shit!!

I can't even tell my boyfriend (G-Man, he is my Mr. Big) that I love him.  I had the perfect opportunity to tell him last night.  It was just after I gave him a fantastic blow job.  We were sitting in the kitchen, and we were just staring at each other.   I am sure it was only seconds, but it felt like eternity.  Just looking each other in the eyes. I had butterflies, my palms were all sweaty, and I could feel it forming on my tongue. I felt a smile come to my lips. Then he says "What?" Uggh.  Perfect opportunity.

  I have been in love with this man since the day I met him.  And believe me, I am not one of those foo foo chicks that actually believes in love at first sight.  But G has had my heart since day one.  It should be so easy to say.  I mean seriously! I have this man's name tattooed on my body for goodness sake! He knows that I love him, but shouldn't I say it?

Why is so hard to say I love you? I always wonder do other women have this issue.  Is it because I think so much like a man when it comes to dating rituals?  But thinking and dating like a man does that mean not having feelings, emotions that we should not express.

I could tell former boyfriends I loved them in a heart beat, but I didn't really love them.  This man, makes me want to do flips, cartwheels, and scream on top of Mt. Rushmore "I love you G-MAN".  Hell I post how much I love him on Facebook all the freakin time!! But I can't say it to his face.

Do we, take these chances with our heart only to be disappointed over and over again, and when the real thing comes along not know what to do?

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you could say, "I fucking love you!!"

    I remember having a girlfriend whom was absolutely serious about the love word, she really took her time to consult with her brain about the matter. We were dating for a while before she actually said, and when she did, I knew she meant it (even though we are now broken up), and it felt really good.

    Well there you have it, a possible way of saying it (considering your love of the fuck word), and a good reason you aren't saying it.
