Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The bathroom used to be my sanctuary....

I used to come home from work, and I would be met at the door by my kids, one 14 and the other 3.  Either they were fighting, or they had some other issues like they wanted to be fed or something.  Whatever it was they were usually screaming at the top of their lungs, and working my nerves.  My brain just wasn't functioning and could not function.  After 8 hours of work, 35 minute drive on the freeway to go less than 6 miles.  I needed to unwind, and have no thoughts at all.  For a while I would come home and just sit on the edge of my bed in total silence.  That didn't last long.....

I found going into the bathroom, with my laptop, and locking the door behind me to be a more effective get away, a mini vacation.  Not like I needed to go into the bathroom and take a shit, but my brain needed to take a shit.  I would go in the bathroom, put the toilet seat down, and just sit there with my laptop and play silly Facebook games.  The peace and quiet was heavenly, to say the least.

I started taking other stuff in the bathroom with me, my phone, the mail.  My daily bathroom stay-cations became longer events.  It was my own little home office in the bathroom.  If I didn't actually have to feed my kids, I probably could stay in there for hours.

My kids, at least the 3 year old would stand at the door and just knock and knock and knock.  I could tune her out for hours on end.  Until she learned how to jimmy the lock.

When did 3 year olds become locksmiths?

Needless to say, the bathroom used to be my sanctuary.

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