Sunday, May 2, 2010

My love for the F word

This is such a cliched and overused statement, but I have been thinking of writing a blog for the longest time, but never knew what to write about.  I never wanted to write about the same thing everyday, so blah, and boring.  And what about a title for my blog.  I never could think of anything smart, and witty that would catch your eyes.  And who knows,  no one may ever read my blog, but I think the title sums it up.  I was sitting on my bed watching the Princess and the Frog for the umtenth time, and said to myself FUCK.  Not really knowing why I said it, but said it anyway.  I started thinking about how much I use the F word, and how much it is used in every day conversation.  Is the F word more accepted?

I will tell you one thing......

I fuckin' like the F word.

Now that I got that off my chest, what am I supposed to write about for my inaugural blog-fest, blog-a-paluza, whatever else anyone wants to call it.

I am challenging myself to actually write a blog,   I hope I am as entertaining, witty, and interesting, as I think I am.


I guess I can tell you the deal with the F word.  I guess for me the F word is so much more than just the F word.  I use it to describe any and everything.  From the fuckin thingy that is always at the bottom of my purse and you can never find it when you are out somewhere til you dump your entire purse,  to the more explicit things I want to do.  (haha) It is one of the best word inventions around.

I guess i wont write too much more, I have to channel my inner blogger or have a more exciting weekend....

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