Tuesday, May 4, 2010

....It's Only Tuesday

Fuck!!! It's only Tuesday....

I don't want to rant about the week going so flippin slow but, I just want the week to be over.

I am sitting here semi watching CSI Miami.  Which is probably the one of the worse written shows on earth.  How is it, that the regular CSI is sooo good, and this one is really crappy.  Oh well, I still watch it.

So, I got laid off the other day. Not too too sad about the situation, since my boss assumed she was "Shit" or that her "Shit don't Stank".  Unfortunately for her, it did! I could go into details, but I believe you all have had a boss before or have one now that claims to be such a wonderful, open communicator, and turns out to be passive aggressive and bi-polar.  What a combo!!

Most of my days at work were spent daydreaming of fun fantastic things I could be doing rather than being at work.  But on occasion, I would have the best daydreams about getting up and slapping the shit out of my boss.  Oh how I wish I had the opportunity to do it the day I was laid off, but unfortunately she went and hid in her office, and let other people handle the lay offs.  

I don't think the unemployment cloud has hit me yet, so I haven't gone through the "grieving period" of unemployment.  So far I am just like whatever.  But soon, the excitement of being rid of such a horrible situation, then slowly the sadness of being unemployed and I will sit in my room and weep of being jobless, and then the anger of not finding a job fast enough (WHY ME I will scream, haha).  Til I get to the pure bliss of enjoying everyone and everything I couldn't enjoy being locked away in my office for 8 hours a day.

I guess I have a brain fart going on, cause I just lost my train of thought......

til next time

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