Friday, July 2, 2010

Sharing is not caring.....

I went to get my hair done today.  And while in the salon today, I was privilege to one of the most amazing, and ridiculous stories I have probably ever heard.

I am sitting in the chair and in walks this very pretty woman with a cast on her foot. I am so freakin  nosey I asked her what happened to her, and why is she wearing a sparkly skirt and heels in the valley.

Broken foot girl proceeds to tell me this amazing story of how she went out with her "boyfriend" who happens to be married, to a bar to watch the last Lakers game.  They are sitting in a booth in the back of the bar, when he excuses himself.  He's gone, 5, 10, 15 minutes, then she goes outside to call him.  What it breaks down to is he left her at the bar with no ride home.  Some how she gets him back to the bar, but he wouldn't let her in the car, so she she decides to chase after him in platform heels, and falls and breaks her foot.  Instead of her being pissed at this dude for leaving her ass at a bar, she is still with  married guy, giving his ass head and whatever else he wants with her broke foot.

Oh and the best part about this story is she said she is going to try and get pregnant.

So I asked her, "is the dick THAT good?".  YES, she answers.


I had to ask her how old she was.  38! For someone who should know by now, she has the mentality of an 18 year old.

I know there are women that only deal with men that are married.  But wow, who really likes to share dick, cause I know I don't.

I find it so interesting, that to be happy so many people will opt to share a persons affections, emotions, and everything else to be happy.  What is so great about that?  Isn't that just settling?

Dating a married man is so pointless. There are so many restrictions to a relationship like that. Too much secrecy for me. You don't really get anything out of it, except maybe a few great pieces of jewelry and some hot sex.

It is pure laziness that a person does not put the effort in, to finding someone for themselves.  Is it too much work?  Heck yeah, its work.  But a real relationship is work, compromise and trust.

I know there are many fears to the human heart.  Some don't want the commitment, which I understand, but there are plenty of single me to have noncommittal sex with.

Is it the possibility of a broken heart that makes women go after married men?  Or wanting someone who doesn't belong to them?

Is so interesting that women will risk it all, possible relationship exposure, their friends,  their dignity, their self respect for a relationship with someone that doesn't even belong to them.

This type of sharing is soooo not caring.....

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