Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Working on a commitment or being commited....

I seriously cannot believe this shit!! I have gone 27 days without sex. I mean NONE, ZIP, ZERO sex (that includes masturbation)

What a flippin tragedy right??!!

I have sex on the brain.  All I can think about is riding that Monster Cock of G-Man's. 

Since I am so horny, it got me to thinking about being committed and being faithful in a relationship.  How do you know that the person you are with is the one?  He or she is that one person, that could make you desire them above no other. 

I am not even sure how I got so caught up.  What is it about him that makes me want him, smile at the thought of him, and be soo crazy in love with him.  He doesn't make these grand gestures of his feelings, everything is so subtle, but at the same time its a big deal.

As I have said before I stalk my friends on FB.  And a lot of the ladies talk about the men in their life, the lack of men in their lives, whatever the case may be.  And it always revolves around commitment, and what their assumption or perception of commitment is. 

Is commitment doing couples night every weekend, only hanging out with your loved one, wearing your rings all the time, or the big shit making sure everyone on Facebook knows that you are in a relationship or married to so and so?

I see a lot of my female friends (females in general) that want these grand gestures of someones commitment to them. When will they get it? Men are so completely different from us, and show their feelings differently from us.  Just because they don't yell it at the top of their lungs, tell all their boys about you, post that shit on Facebook.  Does not mean they love or care any less. 

I know yawl will hate me for this.  But ladies, sometimes we need to do a better job at what we are and should be doing in a relationship.  Holding out on sex, not giving blow jobs just because, cooking less, or any of that other crazy shit, doesn't get you what you want.  Especially that commitment that you are dying to have.

Men respond to two things SEX and LOYALTY.

We need to show we are ride or die for him, be that support system he needs that only we as ladies can be for him. 

There are other ways of showing your commitment to someone other than making a public spectacle or yourself.  Big hoopla usually makes a person look like they are crazy and insecure and probably need to either be on medication or committed. 

I don't actually think I knew what commitment was, or being in a healthy relationship until I met my secret agent man.  As strange as it may be, because we hardly ever see each other, and have more email, text, and skype sex than anything else.  I would not have it any other way.  It may not be perfect to 99% of the ladies out there, but I have never had anyone as awesome as him and would not trade it for anything.

I guess a person needs to find that person, that makes every little imperfection about their relationship, seem like it is the most perfect....

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